Village Bulletins

  • Neal’s ashes will be laid to rest at 3pm this coming Wednesday, at St Andrews. Anyone who wishes to come will be welcome.

  • There is a man going around knocking on doors and flashing a badge with the word “police” on it. He’s claiming there’s been a burglary nearby and he wants to sell you a burglar alarm. If he comes to your door do not let him in, do not buy from him,

    Try to get a registration, make of vehicle and a description and please report to police.

  • ***BINGO***

    Remember that that this Friday night is once again BINGO NIGHT at the village hall !!! This will be the last one before the summer break - so let's make it a busy one!!

    Come along for a great fun evening. As always, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm Eyes Down. Normally finished by 9.15pm

    If you haven't tried it yet, here's your chance.

    I look forward to seeing you on Friday


    Mobile: 07875 749235

  • Governor Vacancy - Great Rollright CE Primary School

    We are looking for Governors to join our team. We have particular need for a Governor who will oversee the premises and buildings of the school, but any interest is welcomed Governors oversee the workings of the school, no one governor is expected to know it all! The strength of a governing body lies in its ability to attract and rely upon members from a wide variety of backgrounds, share out duties amongst its members and be able to take decisions as a group. We need self-motivated, determined and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to learn. The rest will be learnt through the full induction and training we offer to help build your understanding and support your development as a governor.

    We currently meet 6 times per year. For more information, or if you have any questions at all, please contact Helen Hare (Chair of Governors) on

  • We are sure that the serial numbers we have been using for the Bulletins are not of interest to anyone except Trevor - so they are gone for good…..

  • Rollright News, edited by Roz Wiley, has been part of village life for many years. It provides useful information and village updates for those who don’t have a computer and those who do. But…….It is in danger of become extinct if we don’t find another editor, following Roz’s decision to step down.

    Could this be you? If you’re at all interested, please contact Roz -

  • Would any body have any of spare Celotex insulation board left over or lying around ? We only need a small amount to finish off a job our builder failed to complete 20 years ago, so we can meet building regs standards and get our house sold!!

    Be great if you have – call Sharon 01608 730546

  • Would anyone like some free Cotswold gravel?

    Ready for collection from 3 Sunnybank just call Sharon or Julian on 01608 730546. Some clean n bagged already, remainder in a travis perkins type bag. Great as a mulch or on top of weed membrane.

  • Kitty and David Henderson from Tyte Court are looking for a dog/puppy sitter/walker for odd times and days whilst their new terrier puppy can not be left alone for long periods of time. Do get in touch with Kitty if you are interested. 07887 874 447

  • Monday at 7pm at the Village Hall is the A.G.M. of the Trustees of Rollright Village Hall, this will be followed by the A.G.M. of the Parish Council at approximately 7.30pm.

    All residents are very welcome to attend both to hear about last year’s events/progress and to learn about the latest developments.

    Hopefully both our County and District Councillors will be in attendance.

  • On behalf of Kath Hales’ sons (her “boys”) and her wider family.

    We would just like to thank all those that attended mum’s funeral on Tuesday 7th May. Mum would have been so pleased with the service at St Andrews and delighted, if not very surprised, to see so many make the effort to pay their respects. As her family, it was wonderful to see the church so full and to meet many of you after, finally putting faces to the names she has so often and so warmly spoken about.

    As a family we take comfort from the many friends mum made over her 32 years living in Great Rollright and we thank you for the many cards, notes and messages we have received recently.

    Finally, to those that donated at the church, a special thank you. Mum had a special place in her heart for both St Andrews and the village school and was keen that this money be split between them,and we will ensure that this is arranged in the coming weeks.

    Thank you all for your support and kindness.

    Graham, Chris and Phil Hales.

  • The Plight of Tenant Farmer William Fletcher

    The impact of the great depression in British agriculture in the 1870s and 1880s has all but been forgotten. It impacted our whole society: the population of Great Rollright declined by 30%! It destroyed many livelihoods.

    The tenant farmers, like William Fletcher – shepherd Richard Widdows' employer – were particularly affected.

    William Fletcher was a tenant of Brasenose College and lived in Manor Court Farm in Tyte End in Great Rollright.

    Read more here:

  • Kath’s funeral will take place at 10.30, next Tuesday 7th May at St. Andrew’s Church Great Rollright.

    Everyone is welcome and also to then attend a short service at North Oxfordshire Crematorium and Memorial Park in Tackley, near Kidlington (OX5 3EP)

    At 12.30 the family will gather at the Cotswold Hotel, Spa & Golf Course, Southcombe, Chipping Norton (OX7 5QH) Again everyone is welcome to come to remember Kath and support the family.

    Family flowers are preferred, however, donations in lieu will be gratefully received and will be equally divided, going to Great Rollright School and the Village Hall, both places which held a special place in Kath’s heart.

  • Yet again, the large rubbish bin at the village hall has been used (by persons unknown) to almost fill it with their own black bin bags.

    It is for use of the village hall users ONLY. 

  • There is a mystery car parked: in Tyte End, almost outside Tyte Tap House.

    It is half on the pavement and has been there for many weeks now.

    It is a black Nissan QashQai +2 registration YF11BFL. The police have run the number on their computer and it is “not of interest to them”. It appears to be taxed until April 2025 with MOT until Sept 2024.

    A bit of a mystery. Does anyone knows whose it is and why it has been parked in Tyte End for weeks?

  • Top soil available in Stone Court.

    Telephone 07703-254007.

  • Nick Jones has scrap wood from a dismantled shed if anyone would like to collect it for free?

    Telephone 07889 013783

  • Have you lost a door key? If so please contact - 01608 737797

  • A 100 Ways to Spell Great Rollright

    Yes, there really were a 100 variations in the way Rollright was spelled! 📝

    Find out what they were and what the name means. How did shepherd Richard Widdows’ name change throughout his lifetime? 🐏

  • I’m currently looking for grazing for 2 ponies and was wondering if anyone had anything available?

    Frankie Kelly

  • My bedtime reading for the last 6 months finally finished. Would anyone like the set?

    WhatsApp please, 07711 662126


  • A reminder that this Friday night 19th April is once again BINGO NIGHT at the village hall !!!

    Come along for a great fun evening. As always, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm Eyes Down. Normally finished by 9.15pm

    If you haven't tried it yet, here's your chance.

    I look forward to seeing you on Friday

    Duncan Midwood

    Mobile: 07875 7492

  • 12 A4 lever arch files free to collect. Telephone 01608 738301

  • The next WI meeting is Monday 15th April.

    Our very own village resident Kate Wood will be our speaker for the evening - A Tudor maid at Palmers Farm.

    Come along and spend an evening with Kate as she introduces her role with Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, the history of the property and how the project was set up all linked to the period costume at the time and the different aspects of life as a Tudor maid/woman.

    We welcome female visitors to our meetings, we ask for a donation of £2.

    Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Speaker, refreshments and usually through by 9-9.30pm.

    See you there.

    Great Rollright WI

  • Photographic Enterprise - Frank Packer 🎞️📸

    We only know what shepherd Richard Widdows looked like because of Chipping Norton photographers Frank Packer and Percy Simms. Frank Packer and his family ran an enterprising photographic business from the early 1900s until the 1970s. Read the fascinating story of their lives. The highlight is the wonderful selection of photos from the Packer Collection in the Oxford History Centre’s archives.

  • Do you recognise this doorway? A parcel has been delivered there by mistake. It will be addressed to Holly a Welstead at Foxwold. Please respond to

  • A Shepherd's Stroll: A guided walk around Great Rollright

    Up for a breath of fresh air over the long weekend? Take a short guided walk around the village, discovering the places associated with shepherd Richard Widdows. As an Easter treat, my sister, illustrator Frances Castle, has drawn a special map. 🐣🐰🌷🪻

    Helen Castle

  • Join us this Sunday for Easter Morning Worship in St Andrew's Church.

    Note that this service is at 9am (and it will feel even earlier due to the clocks "springing" forward).

    There will be coffee, tea and chocolate afterwards to help with the early start!

    Hope to see you there.


  • Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

    Temporary Road Closure at Great Rollright, Hook Norton Road

    A request has been received from Thames Water for a temporary road closure to apply to a length of Hook Norton Road, whilst essential mains clamp repair works are carried out.

    A temporary Notice is being made by Oxfordshire County Council to implement the temporary restriction and will operate from 14 April 2024 up to and including 15 April 2024, 24 hours per day.

    Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.

    Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Thames Water helpline on 0800 316 9800.

  • The mystery of the shepherd’s missing son 👨‍🌾

    This morning’s post explores what happened to John Withers, the shepherd’s eldest sons. It reveals a route that thousands of Oxfordshire agricultural labourers took to escape the poverty of rural life in the 1870s.

    If you’re enjoying the local history posts from A Shepherd’s Stone, you can subscribe to the enewsletter for free at:

  • Hello from Great Rollright WI!

    Following our AGM on Monday we are delighted that Martene, Heather K, Irene and Marilina have agree to continue as the committee to keep our vibrant WI going.

    Once the 'official' business was closed we heard about a former village resident Mary Cherry - who grew up in Barford St Michael and went onto to become one of the worlds most trusted female agricultural journalists and the first female president of Oxfam. Mary settled in Cotswold Corner in Great Rollright in her final years and became good friends with many in the village. We know of only 2 copies of her book locally 'So I kept going' which we are all now eager to read so we will need to pass it round and share. (We cannot find it via the internet yet)

    We are looking to grow our WI membership with those women who live locally plus their family and friends so whether you’re passionate about community service, learning, or simply connecting with other women, the WI provides a supportive and empowering environment!

    Our programme for 2024 is attached, we welcome visitors to our meetings so please come along if you see a topic you like!

    We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7.30pm in the village hall. Doors open from 7pm. Sandwiches, cake and refreshments included.

    Visitor fee is £2 per meeting. (The fee may vary if a craft event)

    Come and join us !

    If you would like to know more please email:

  • Please be sure all your outhouses and garages are securely locked. An electric bicycle has recently been stolen from an outhouse in South End.

  • Lamb-tail pie and other farmhouse fare 🥧 🐏

    This week's A Shepherd's Stone Substack post is inspired by a copy of Farmhouse Fare that Brenda Hayden discovered in a drawer in her farmhouse in Great Rollright. It focuses on what farmers and agricultural workers would have eaten in the 19th century. It also features a recipe for Lamb-Tail Pie!

    With thanks to Brenda.

    If you would like to receive A Shepherd's Stone weekly, you can subscribe for free here:

    Helen Castle

    LinkedIn Profile

  • Are these your glasses? They have been picked up and left on the gate, as shown. (sorry can’t yet show pictures in the bulletins - we are working on it!)

  • Super Saturday March 16 In the Village Hall.

    Well, after a fantastic weekend of rugby last weekend, we are now reaching the end of the tournament – three matches on one day!

    If you didn’t watch here are the answers to the questions we posed last week:-

    Yes – Italy did beat Scotland (in Rome), winning 31 to 29

    Yes – England did beat Ireland (at Twickenham), 23 to 22

    No – Wales did not manage to beat the French, losing 24 to 45, even with the home advantage.

    Super Saturday Schedule

    14.15 - Wales vs Italy

    16.45 – Ireland vs Scotland

    20.00 – France vs England

    By popular demand we once again have the steak and ale pasties from Hook Norton brewery and our usual range of liquid refreshments.

    Being our last weekend we will not have surplus F&B, so to be sure, if you want to ‘partake’, please let us know you are coming.

    See you Saturday, we hope.

    Alan & Bob

    Alan J Monro

    +44 (0)7787 151620 / 01608 738158

  • The Great Rollright Historian: Reginald Welbury Jeffery


    This morning’s A Shepherd’s Stone post is another tragic tale!

    It is about Jeffery and his wife Ursula and daughter Honor, who lived in Church End House. Jeffery was the author of the first history of the village. They are buried in St Andrew’s churchyard.

    With thanks to Carol Dingle whose book inspired this post. She also supplied the wonderful photos that Brasenose didn’t know they had!

    Saturday 23rd. March, 10.00am - 1.00pm. in Gt. Rollright Village Hall. Suitable for all. Refreshments included.

    Appy to Fran - 07950 424037

  • Two more rounds to go - two more chances for you to join the armchair experts (all ex players) and partake in the 'pie and pasty' fare.

    Sat Mar 9th

    14.15h - Italy vs Scotland

    16.45 - England vs Ireland

    Sun Mar 10th

    15.00h - Wales vs France

    Each match has an intriguing agenda:-

    Can Italy, who nearly beat France humble the mighty Scots, who have just humbled England?

    Can England restore some pride in English rugby by beating the rampaging Irish?

    Can Wales get their first win of the series and compound the woes of the French?

    Please let us know if you're going to come

    Bob (

    Alan (

  • Lambing the 19th-century way. Spring time in Great Rollright! 🐑🌼

    Today's A Shepherd’s Stone blog post was a great excuse to visit the Cotswold Farm Park and to walk up the road and look at our local lambs. 

    Does anyone know if the sheep up by The Triangle are Oxford Down?

    The history only came together with the help of the Oxford Down Sheep Breeders’ Association.

    Helen Castle

  • Voters across West Oxfordshire District are being encouraged to make sure they are registered, have applied for postal voting, and applied for identification if needed, ahead of the deadlines so that they can vote in the district council and police and crime commissioner elections on 2 May.

    Poll cards will be sent to all registered voters at the end of March, you do not need to reapply if your poll card is correct. Residents can make an application to register to vote through the Government website which takes only five minutes to complete. They must register by 16 April and can do so at

    More information is available on the West Oxfordshire District Council website, including details of how to apply for the free ID. Anyone not able to visit the council website, or apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online, is being encouraged to contact the Council by calling 01993 861410. Residents must have applied for Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Tuesday 24 April.

    West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

  • A message from Sharon Truelove

    Just wanted to pass on this warning re a scam – I just got a pleasant, authentic sounding call from ‘Visa’ saying a £900 transaction for on line shopping was in process and press 1 for…. And 2 for ….’

    Naturally I put the phone down and then checked my internet banking and nothing.

    Julian did some poking around on line and found this article:

    so worth a look and warn others.

  • A reminder about the Quiz Night this coming Saturday, 2nd March in the Village Hall.

    Teams of 4 welcome or join a team on the night.

    There will be the usual bar, cheeseboards and snacks available.

    £3 per person, pay on the door, but please let me know if you are coming. or 07775 786104.

    All proceeds to St Andrew's Church.

    Look forward to seeing you there,


    Sarah Durham

    Churchwarden - St Andrew's Great Rollright Church

  • This week's A Shepherd's Stone post traces the fortunes of shepherd Richard Widdows' 2 wives and 7 daughters. It reveals a picture of vulnerable young women sent into service to take up positions across the country:

  • We are looking for a cleaner for 6 hours a week (can be split between 2 or 3 visits, anytime between 9-4pm Monday to Friday). If anyone has any recommendations that would be much appreciated. My email is

    Many thanks

    Sophie Robertson

  • Hi all

    As the U12's Head Coach at Chipping Norton Rugby Club, I and Adam Buxton are organising a rugby tour for around 18 of our boys this Spring. We will be joining the Tigers Challenge event at Minehead over the May Bank Holiday. This will be the boys' very first tour (having been together since the age of 6) and we want to make it special and memorable. But we also want to enable some of our group to join the tour for whom the cost of travel and accommodation may be prohibitive. Four boys currently living in Rollright will be going (Finlay Midwood, Percy Buxton and Harry and Freddie Longsdon).

    We would like to appeal to your generosity and/or networks to help us raise the money we need to make the tour happen in the way we want to.

    Adam and I are deep into planning at the moment and have already done quite a bit behind the scenes - including starting the fundraising journey!

    We have created a JustGiving page and have already raised an impressive £2,841. But we want to raise a total of £5,000 if we can to make sure we can give those who are going a tour to remember and, if we get close to this target, a benefit that rolls out to the wider club. The more we raise, the more we can do! Here is the link:

    CNRUFC U12's Tour Fund 2024 - JustGiving

    Could I ask you all please to donate if you are able and, more importantly, to pass the message on to friends, family & other contacts who may be willing to help. Every little helps even if only £10-20.

    For those who may be up for a larger donation/sponsorship, we do have opportunities to put company logos on some of the kit we will be purchasing for the boys (playing shirts, hoodies and kit bags). Let us know if this is something you'd like to pursue.

    Thanks so much in advance for your help.

    Duncan & Adam

Village Bulletins

2024/17 Cat Care

Sam and Kate Wood are looking for someone to feed their cat for 6 days in February. We live in Lonsdale Court. It would require putting wet and dry food down and giving him a stroke - he can be a bit skittish at first but loves a cuddle. We would also ask you to sprinkle a bit of food in the fish tank. We would pay £5 a visit.

If it’s of interest please contact Kate on 07967 132492.

2024/16 Chest Freezer Available

A message from Ted Dorling

We have available an Electrolux top opening chest freezer it is free but will need collecting.

Size 86cm H x 55cm W x 60cm D.

If anyone is interested we can be contacted on 01608 737772

Ted and Mary Dorling  Hill Rise  Great Rollright

2024/15 6 Nations Rugby

Six Nations Rugby Tournament 2024 

Friday February 2nd and Saturday February 3rd


Just a reminder that the Six Nations Rugby Tournament starts this coming weekend – France vs Ireland Friday night, followed by two matches on Saturday.

As we have done in previous tournaments, we are arranging refreshments, with half time snacks for all matches. We’re pleased to say that we are keeping the prices the same as last year (Entry, Pie and a Pint £10, Entry and a Pint £5) – when we say pint, we also have wine of all hues!

To help you plan you plan the next two weekends, the schedule is as follows:-


Please let me know if you’re coming so we can get in enough fresh pies/pasties etc. 

I look forward to seeing you on Friday for what is bound to be a fantastic game of rugby and may well set the stage for the tournament.


Alan J Monro

+44 (0)7787 151620 / 01608 738158

2024/14 Missing Parcel

Do you recognise this door?  IKEA has delivered there by mistake.  

If you have the parcel or recognise the door,

please contact Nell Oliver.

2024/13 First Aid Course

A message from Annabel 

I have been wanting to do a first aid course (they are usually no more than a day) for some time and have done nothing about it!

Would anyone else be interested in joining if I were to  organise it, hopefully in the  Village Hall? It would be great to have some idea of the level of interest…..

We might also include a demonstration of how to use the defibrillator?

Likely timing would be the Spring.

I’m Annabel, we live in Great Rollright, and my email is:

2012/12B New Website

The Parish Council are pleased to announce that the new Village Website has been launched.

You can access it from the following address;

The Home Screen looks like the picture below so that you know you have reached the right place!

We hope that we have captured all the good stuff from the previous design and created a more modern site with new features for you.

There’s still some new features that we are working on. So please look out for these enhancements soon.

Any feedback is very much appreciated so that we can continue to improve the content and layout.

The old site is still available but we will close it down in the coming weeks.

Gabby Bord & Trevor Withell

2024/12 Black Cat

A black cat has been hit and killed by a car near Lonsdale Court.  If this is your cat, please contact Claire in Stone Court who is looking after it.

Contact Claire - 07919577016 or Dee - 07703254007

2024/11 Bingo

A reminder that this Friday night is once again BINGO NIGHT at the village hall !!!

Come along for a great fun evening.  As always, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm Eyes Down. Normally finished by 9.15pm

If you haven't tried it yet, here's your chance.

I look forward to seeing you on Friday


2024/10 House Rental Required

‘We are between house moves, local family looking for lovely 3 bed rental from April-July. Please call Justin on 07408807181’

(Justin is a friend of Nick Jones, Tower House)

2024/09 Great Rollright: a village of farmsteads

Great Rollright: a village of farmsteads - an interview with Carol Dingle

This week's post from A Shepherd's Stone should be of particular interest to “Rollrighters”. It is an interview with the village's local history researcher Carol Dingle. It describes how Great Rollright developed as a village of farmsteads:

You can subscribe for free to A Shepherd's Stone - a weekly e-newsletter of local history musings. It is inspired by shepherd Richard Widdows, who died aged 104 in 1910:

Helen Castle

LinkedIn Profile

2024/08 Missing Delivery

Is this your door?  Lakeland has delivered to the wrong address.

If it is your door or you recognise it, please contact Digby Davies -

2024/07 Next WI Meeting

Dear Great Rollright ladies,

Our next WI meeting is on Monday, 22nd January, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.  Before we enjoy WI refreshments, we will be joined by our guest speaker, Richard Cullen. 

Following his retirement in 2007 from a career as a Chartered civil engineer and environmentalist, Richard turned to consulting and became a researcher and writer, principally about UK military activities 1914-45.

Richard will share one of his talks with us 'One War, Two Women - and nursing.'

One, Lucy Toller, was a distinguished professional nurse who served in France throughout the Great War, won a Military Medal for her courage and was later treated disgracefully by the British Army. Among the first nurses to land in France in 1914 she worked in all the various levels of hospital and on ambulance trains.

The other, Emily Kemp, was an intrepid China traveller who provided medical help to the French army in the Verdun sector and went on to give a chapel to Somerville College, Oxford. An accomplished artist, she wrote extensively about her travels and fought passionately for girls' education in China.

Visitors are very welcome, with a small fee of £2 for the talk and £1 for the tea.  We have a varied and interesting programme lined up for 2024 and new members are always welcomed.

2024/06 Six Nations Rugby

Six Nations Rugby Tournament 2024 In the Village Hall.

The six nations rugby tournament starts in three weeks, runs for five weeks and has nine days of competition – fifteen matches, all of which we will be showing on the large screen in the village hall.

As they say in Ireland the first match will be a ‘cracker’ – last year’s winner of the Six Nations (Ireland) against the hosts  of the world cup (France); both teams are strong contenders to win this year’s tournament, so could be a defining match – well worth staying up late! 

As we have done in previous tournaments will arrange refreshments (liquid and solid)  and will be ask for a notional contribution from everyone to cover the costs. As in previous years we aim to make a small profit from you, which will be passed on to the village hall fund.

We’re pleased to say that the Trustees of the Village Hall have agreed to the same financial arrangement as before, enabling us to make this an affordable community event for everyone, so we will have the ‘pie and pint’ price as before.

The first two rounds are as follows:

To help us organise refreshments, please let us know if you’re coming.

 Alan & Bob +44 (0)7787 151620 / 01608 738158

2024/05 Bingo

Happy New Year to everyone in Great Rollright!!

I am delighted to let you know that bingo in Great Rollright has now raised over £9,300 for local causes since starting in 2017.

It has survived a pandemic and now is increasingly gathering support from visitors from Chippy and elsewhere. It has become a permanent fixture once a month in the Village Hall.

But we can do more - much more!  So please do your best to join us and encourage others you know to come along - it's great fun!

The next 3 dates for your diary are:

  • Friday 26th January

  • Friday 23rd February

  • Friday 22nd March

All sessions start at 7.30pm and doors open at 7pm. - I look forward to seeing you there!

Here's to a record year in 2024!!
